LLNS Organization and Annual Costs

Environmental Report LLNS Organization and Annual Costs page banner. cover.


Environmental Report LLNS Board of Governors Chairman Norman Pattiz (right) and Vice Chairman Craig Albert (left) join acting Laboratory Director Bret Knapp at a joint meeting of the LLNS and Los Alamos National Security, LLC (LANS), boards. The two boards work to better integrate activities and make both laboratories and the NNSA enterprise more effective and efficient. cover.
LLNS Board of Governors Chairman Norman Pattiz (right) and Vice Chairman Craig Albert (left) join acting Laboratory Director Bret Knapp at a joint meeting of the LLNS and Los Alamos National Security, LLC (LANS), boards. The two boards work to better integrate activities and make both laboratories and the NNSA enterprise more effective and efficient.
Environmental Report LLNL FY2013 Actual Costs:$1.55 billion cover.


Norman Pattiz Chairman; Regent, University of California; Founder, Westwood One, Inc.; Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Courtside Entertainment Group; Chief Executive Officer, PodcastOne and PodCastOne Sales

Craig Albert Vice Chairman; President, Bechtel Systems and Infrastructure, Inc.

William Frazer Senior Vice President Emeritus, University of California; Chair of the Science and Technology Committee

Glenn Mara Vice President for Laboratory Management, University of California; Chair of the Nominations and Compensation Committee

David Pethick General Manager, Global Management and Operations Services, URS Corporation

Craig Weaver Managing Director, Bechtel Management Company Limited


Steve Koonin Director of New York University’s Center for Urban Science and Progress; Chair of the Mission Committee

Richard Mies Admiral (Retired), U.S. Navy; Former Commander, U.S. Strategic Command

Donald Kintzer Partner (Retired), PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP; Chair of the Ethics and Audit Committee

Ellen Tauscher Strategic Advisor for Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC; Former Member of U.S. House of Representatives, California 10th Congressional District; Former Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security; Former Special Envoy for Strategic Stability and Missile Defense


Steven Beckwith Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies, University of California

John Howanitz General Manager of Nuclear Security and Allied Governments, Bechtel National, Inc.

Bruce Varner Regent, University of California; Partner, Varner & Brandt, LLP

Jeffrey Wadsworth President and Chief Executive Officer, Battelle Memorial Institute

David Walker Manager of Special Projects and Senior Advisor, Bechtel National, Inc.; Chair of the Business, Operations, and Security Committee

Environmental Report LLNS is a limited liability company managed by members Bechtel National, Inc., University of California, BWX Technologies, Inc., and URS Energy & Construction, Inc.  Battelle Memorial Institute also participates in LLNS as a teaming subcontractor. Cutting-edge science is enhanced through the expertise of the University of California and its ten campuses and LLNS’ affiliation with the Texas A&M University system. cover.
LLNS is a limited liability company managed by members Bechtel National, Inc., University of California, BWX Technologies, Inc., and URS Energy & Construction, Inc. Battelle Memorial Institute also participates in LLNS as a teaming subcontractor. Cutting-edge science is enhanced through the expertise of the University of California and its ten campuses and LLNS’ affiliation with the Texas A&M University system. January 2014