Bret E. Knapp (1958-2014)



Soon after Bret E. Knapp became acting Laboratory director in November 2013, he sent a message to Lab employees expressing his feelings about returning to the place where he started his distinguished career:


It is great to be back here at Livermore. I am honored and humbled to serve as your acting director. Lawrence Livermore has seen enormous change over the last several years, and as testament to its enduring ability, the Laboratory continues to shine as one of the most respected technical institutions in the world. The credit goes to all of you.


Back in 2006, when I left to join Los Alamos National Laboratory—as part of the transition from management under the University of California to Los Alamos National Security, LLC—I had no way of knowing I would return. I am here to help you, to listen to your concerns, to learn from you and, ultimately, to lead us toward continued success.


I feel very much a part of the Laboratory family. As some of you know, I grew up in Livermore and attended school here. My father served as this Lab’s first Nuclear Experiment Test Director, and it was at this Lab where I met my wife, who worked here for more than 30 years.


There is no doubt in my mind we will continue to provide amazing science and technology solutions to meet the global challenges that face us all. Together, we will keep the Lab moving forward.

Bret will be sorely missed. Our Laboratory was honored by his return and thankful for his graceful, steady, and effective leadership. Bret will be remembered for his enormous contributions to our Laboratory, to Los Alamos National Laboratory, and to our nation, which he proudly served.