Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC

Overseeing management and operating the Laboratory for DOE/NNSA


Norman Pattiz Board Chair ; Regent, University of California; Founder, Courtside Entertainment Group/PodcastOne

Barbara Rusinko Board Vice Chair ; President of Bechtel National, Inc.

Kimberly Budil, Ph.D. Chair of the Nominations and Compensation Committee ; Vice President for National Laboratories, University of California, Office of the President

John Howanitz General Manager/Senior Vice President, Bechtel Nuclear, Security and Environmental

Robert Powell Chair of the Science and Technology Committee ; Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering and of Food Science and Technology, University of California, Davis

James (Jimmy) Angelos Member of the Business, Operations, and Security Committee ; Senior Vice President, NNSA Laboratory Operations, AECOM


Environmental Report Laboratory Director William Goldstein (left) joins LLNS Board of Governors Vice Chairman Barbara Rusinko and Chairman Norman Pattiz at a joint meeting of the LLNS and Los Alamos National Security, LLC, boards. The two boards work to better integrate activities and make both laboratories and the NNSA enterprise more effective and efficient. cover.
Laboratory Director William Goldstein (left) joins LLNS Board of Governors Vice Chairman Barbara Rusinko and Chairman Norman Pattiz at a joint meeting of the LLNS and Los Alamos National Security, LLC, boards. The two boards work to better integrate activities and make both laboratories and the NNSA enterprise more effective and efficient.


Kevin Chilton Member of the Mission Committee ; General, U.S. Air Force (Retired)

Donald Kintzer Chair of the Ethics and Audit Committee ; Partner (Retired), PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP

Steve Koonin Chair of the Mission Committee ; Director of New York University’s, Center for Urban Science and Progress

Richard Mies Member of the Mission Committee ; Admiral, U.S. Navy (Retired); Former Commander in Chief, U.S. Strategic Command


Michael Anastasio Member of the Mission Committee ; Laboratory Director Emeritus, Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore national laboratories

Robert DeGrasse Chair of the Business, Operations, and Security Committee ; Vice President and Manager Government Affairs, Bechtel Nuclear, Security and Environmental

William De La Peña Regent, University of California Founder and Medical Director of De La Peña Eye Clinics


Jeffrey Wadsworth Member of the Mission Committee ; President and Chief Executive Officer, Battelle Memorial Institute

Environmental Report General Welch Honored with Foster MedalRetired U.S. Air Force General Larry D. Welch is the second recipient of the John S. Foster Jr. Medal. Welch has been dedicated to serving the nation since 1951, earning a reputation as an inspirational leader, team builder and innovator. His distinguished career is highlighted by service as the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force and a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1986 to 1990. Welch also served as Commander in Chief of the Strategic

General Welch Honored with Foster Medal Retired U.S. Air Force General Larry D. Welch is the second recipient of the John S. Foster Jr. Medal. Welch has been dedicated to serving the nation since 1951, earning a reputation as an inspirational leader, team builder and innovator. His distinguished career is highlighted by service as the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force and a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1986 to 1990. Welch also served as Commander in Chief of the Strategic Air Command from 1985–86, responsible for operational planning for all U.S. strategic nuclear systems. Welch continues to serve the nation as a senior fellow of the Institute for Defense Analyses. He led the institute as president and chief executive officer from 1991 to 2003 and again from 2006 to 2009.

The John S. Foster Jr. Medal is administered by LLNS to commemorate Foster’s exceptional and inspirational career. Each year, the medal is bestowed on an individual who has demonstrated exceptional leadership in science, technology, and engineering or policy formulation in support of U.S. nuclear security.

LLNL FY 2016 Actual Costs: $1.685 Billion

Environmental Report LLNL FY 2016 Actual Costs: $1.685 Billion cover.

LLNS is a limited liability company managed by members Bechtel National, Inc.; the University of California; BWXT Government Group, Inc.; and the URS Division of AECOM. Battelle Memorial Institute also participates with LLNS as a teaming subcontractor. Cutting-edge science is enhanced through the expertise of the University of California and its 10 campuses and LLNS’ affiliation with the Texas A&M University system.


LLNS is a limited liability company managed by members Bechtel National, Inc.; the University of California; BWXT Government Group, Inc.; and the URS Division of AECOM. Battelle Memorial Institute also participates with LLNS as a teaming subcontractor. Cutting-edge science is enhanced through the expertise of the University of California and its 10 campuses and LLNS’ affiliation with the Texas A&M University system.